Lumbar Stretches

Want to improve your mobility, lets start a 5 minute stretching routine.

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Individual Stretches

Standing Forward Bend

The forward bend stretch, often referred to as the forward fold or Uttanasana in yoga, is a widely practiced and uncomplicated stretching technique.


Seated Forward Fold

The Seated Forward Fold, or Paschimottanasana in yoga, is a seated stretch where you extend your legs in front of you and fold forward from the hips.


Downward Facing Dog

A common foundational yoga pose resembling an inverted V



Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana, strengthens the back, opens the chest, and enhances spine flexibility, posture, and lung function when done correctly and regularly.


Cat Cow

Cat-Cow Pose is excellent for warming up the spine, improving flexibility, and relieving tension in the back and neck.


Eye Of The Needle

Eye of the Needle Pose: Relieve hip and lower back tension, accessible for all levels.


Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold

Discover the Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold, a yoga pose for enhanced flexibility in the inner thighs and hamstrings. Learn how to perform this stretch and experience the benefits today!


Childs pose

Child's Pose: A grounding and restorative yoga posture, known for its gentle stretch on the back, hips, and thighs.


Thread the Needle

Enhance shoulder and spine mobility with Thread the Needle, a stretch that involves threading one arm under the other on all fours.


Seated Twist

Foster spinal mobility with the Seated Twist, a stretch performed while sitting, where you twist your torso to boost flexibility.


Quadruped Rotation

Promote spinal mobility by incorporating Quadruped Rotation, focusing on the lumbar and thoracic regions to increase flexibility and alleviate stiffness.


Knee-to-Chest Pulls

Gentle stretch to improve hip flexibility.


Lying Crossover Stretch

Relax and improve lumbar and hip mobility with the Lying Crossover Stretch. Lie on your back, cross one leg over the other, and gently guide your knees for a soothing release.


Seated Oblique Stretch

Promote core flexibility with the Seated Oblique Stretch. Twist gently to engage side muscles and improve rotational mobility.
