Shoulders Stretches

Want to improve your mobility, lets start a 5 minute stretching routine.

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Individual Stretches


The inchworm stretch is a dynamic exercise imitating an inchworm's crawl.


Sleeper Stretch

The sleeper stretch enhances shoulder flexibility and range by targeting the posterior shoulder capsule.


Downward Facing Dog

A common foundational yoga pose resembling an inverted V



Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana, strengthens the back, opens the chest, and enhances spine flexibility, posture, and lung function when done correctly and regularly.


Cat Cow

Cat-Cow Pose is excellent for warming up the spine, improving flexibility, and relieving tension in the back and neck.


Overhead Triceps Stretch

The Overhead Triceps Stretch is a simple yet effective stretch for targeting the triceps, the muscles on the back of your upper arms


Crab Pose

Discover the Crab Pose – a yoga posture that strengthens the upper body, improves flexibility, and enhances posture. Learn its benefits and how to perform it here.


Warrior Twist

Boost strength and flexibility with Warrior Twist, revitalizing spinal twist for improved balance and openness in the chest and hips.


Childs pose

Child's Pose: A grounding and restorative yoga posture, known for its gentle stretch on the back, hips, and thighs.


Thread the Needle

Enhance shoulder and spine mobility with Thread the Needle, a stretch that involves threading one arm under the other on all fours.


Windmill Stretch

Improve mobility with the Windmill Stretch, targeting hamstrings, obliques, and lower back. Stand, hinge at hips, and reach towards opposite toes.


Shoulder Rolls

Achieve greater shoulder mobility with the help of gentle Shoulder Rolls. Rotate your shoulders in circular motions to improve flexibility and alleviate stiffness.


Quadruped Rotation

Promote spinal mobility by incorporating Quadruped Rotation, focusing on the lumbar and thoracic regions to increase flexibility and alleviate stiffness.


Wall Pectoral Stretch

Enhance chest flexibility with the Wall Pectoral Stretch. Stand facing a wall, rotate away, and feel the invigorating stretch across your chest.


Scalene Stretch

Stretch and release tension in your neck with the Scalene Stretch. Enhance flexibility and alleviate neck discomfort.


Cross-body Triceps Stretch

Relieve tension in your triceps and shoulders with the Cross-body Triceps Stretch. Bring one arm across your chest, press gently, and experience a soothing stretch.


Scorpion Chest Stretch

Open up your chest and enhance spinal mobility with the Scorpion Chest Stretch. Lift and arch, targeting chest, shoulders, and abs for improved flexibility.


Pec Deck Stretch

Open up your chest with the Pec Deck Stretch. Seated or standing, improve chest flexibility for enhanced range of motion.


Shoulder Shrugs

Relieve shoulder tension and enhance flexibility with Shoulder Shrugs.


Scapular Retraction Stretch

Facilitate shoulder mobility through the Scapular Retraction Stretch. Enhance flexibility in the upper back and alleviate tension in the shoulders.


Seated Side Stretch

Enhance lateral flexibility with the Seated Side Stretch. Target obliques, hips, and shoulders for improved mobility and range of motion.
