Running Stretching Routine
Transform your post-run well-being using our Running Mobility Routine. Alleviate discomfort, boost flexibility, and elevate your running journey.
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If you feel any pain during a stretch, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist.
Standing Quad StretchRepeat for each leg/arm
The Standing Quad Stretch is a simple yet effective exercise to stretch and improve flexibility in the quadriceps muscles, located at the front of your thighs.
Starting position
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Shift your weight to your left leg.
- Bend your right knee, bringing your heel towards your buttocks.
- Reach back with your right hand and gently hold your right ankle.
- Keep your knees close together, avoiding lower back arching.
- Hold the stretch for the time period and switch to the other leg when prompted.
- Perform the stretch gently without overstretching.
- Maintain a neutral spine throughout the stretch.